Sunday, March 05, 2006

It's Post Time!

Well, there aren't horse races in Blogshares (yet), but you get the idea. Actually, this blog will first be used for the Blogshares March Madness Tournament, and further Casino action after that will have to be determined. Disclaimer for the NSA, FBI and anyone else from the alphabet soup gang...blogshare bucks are not real money, so turning me over to Steve Wynn's thugs or the Nevada Gaming Commission is not called for by section 38762563-36255389-276561321 of the Homeland Security how to Badger the Citizens handbook. soon as the bracketing is set for the March Madness contest I'll post odds on all the teams involved. Remember this is for the BLOGSHARES contest, not the actual NCAA basketball are betting on a blog, not five sweaty college students!

To place a bet all you will have to do is private message me on the Blogshares forums with the team you want to place your bet on and the odds as posted at the time, and the amount of your wager (I will be verifying that, so don't try to slip old odds past me. Odds will be changing throughout the tournament as teams are eliminated.) Then purchase shares in this blog. Sell orders will be posted for one million, 10 million, 100 million, and one billion. Payout wil be done promptly upon completion of the tournament.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

5 sweaty college students. What would they go for?

7:32 PM


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